Archive for February, 2010

Du & Etisalat

Du dan Etisalat merupakan 2 operator telekomunikasi yang ada dan berkembang saat ini di United Emirates Arab,

Du, ya hanya terdiri dari 2 huruf . Walau demikian sebenarnya nama perusahaan resminya adalah Emirates Integrated Telecommunications Company PJSC. Du adalah “brand” nama operator dan juga dipakai sebagai nama dagang di bursa saham di UAE.

Etisalat adalah operator telekomunikasi terbesar di UAE, saat ini beroperasi di 18 negara meliputi Asia, Middle East, dan Africa. Merupakan operator ke 13 terbesar di dunia, dengan total jumlah pelanggan 94 juta.

Gw sendiri memutuskan untuk menggunakan nomor Etisalat, bukan karna Etisalat adalah operator terbesar di UAE, bukan karna biaya telpon dan SMS Etisalat lbh murah, tp karna ikut2an teman saja…hehe ga nyambung 😀

Burj Khalifa – The Highest Tower in The World

Burj Khalifa (bahasa Arab untuk ‘Menara Khalifa‘), sebelumnya bernama Burj Dubai, adalah sebuah pencakar langit di Dubai, Uni Emirat Arab yang diresmikan pembukaannya pada 4 Januari 2010. Ketinggian pencakar langit ini adalah 828 meter (2.717 kaki) (wikipedia).

maap narsis

numpang narsis 😀

God, I hate this feeling

Dear ‘A’ and ‘E’

If you can hear, i want to whisper. whether you care or not. That it is a terribly sorry, this feeling could happen between us…with the two of us, involving the relationship with the three of us.

If that day i dont follow my feeling, i could find the three of us walk altogther again. I dont know why iam being such a fool for reveal my feelings to you. I believe this is my fault and i’m responsible for it.

and with this useless message (couldnt write in indonesian actually, coz i dont want to be read like a poem or something), i must beg you a pardon.For ‘A’ you don’t need to apologized to me, as you don’t need my forgiveness. I just want you both know that, in my heart, with every breath that i take in this live, both of you were my very best friends.

From the bottom of my broken heart (britney, may i use your song title?), there’s one thing i wont deny about you both. For ‘A’, you are the special one in my heart and mind and it will always be, i understand may be that day you are so in hurry to take the decision. For ‘E’, my best friend ever, actually i dont know what happen with your relationship with ‘A’ and i dont want to intervene as well…but as i know deep in ‘A’ heart. she is still loving you and cannot let you in her mind.

At last. In case you are bother with this inconvenience message and felt incomfortable. I must say sorry and hope that the two of you will be back together again. As for me, since i felt that there’s no place for me again, and i dont know when i can go back to my country again.

Someday, when we meet again in someplace called earth, please denied my present and act that it wasn’t me.

Thanks for being such a wonderful friends and girlfriend even just only for one day. In my dream, i will always pray for your health and wealth.

wassalamualaikum wr wb.

Dear X and Y

If you can hear, i want to whisper. whether you care or not. That it is a terribly sorry, this feeling could happen between us…with the two of us, involving the relationship with the three of us.

If that day i dont follow my feeling, i could find the three of us walk altogther again. I dont know why iam being such a fool for reveal my feelings to you. I believe this is my fault and i’m responsible for doing such stupid thing to you.

and with this useless message (couldnt write in indonesian actually, coz i dont want to be read like a poem or something), i must beg you a pardon. X you don’t need to apologized to me, as you don’t need my forgiveness. I just want you both know that, in my heart, with every breath that i take in this live, both of you were my very best friends.

From the bottom of my broken heart (britney, may i use your song title?), there’s one thing i wont deny about you both. For X, you are the special one in my heart and mind and it will always be, i understand may be that day you are so in hurry to take the decision. For Y, my best friend ever, actually i dont know what happen with your relationship with X and i dont want to intervene as well…but as i know deep in X heart. she is still loving you and cannot let you in her mind.

At last. In case you are bother with this inconvenience message and felt inconfortable. I must say sorry and hope that the two of you will be back together again. As for me, since i felt that there’s no place for me again, and i dont know when i can go back to my country again.

Someday, when we meet again in someplace called earth, please denied my present and act that it wasn’t me.

Thanks for being such a wonderful friends and girlfriend even just only for one day. In my dream, i will always pray for your health and wealth.

wassalamualaikum wr wb.


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